Sunday, September 6, 2015

Possible out comes from actions of our enemies.

It has been awhile since I have posted. Actually three years, but it is now time to start again. Since I have been out of the loop the world has changed a whole lot. I'm seeing things through a slightly different prism. I am going to modify this blog from strictly bunker, to overall survival. I still feel that  bunkers are a great way to go, but I know that a lot of people are in the same situation that I am in and the cost of the kind of bunkers I have listed in the past, is above most of our pay scale. So, we will look at different ways to survive during SHTF situations.

I will start with what is going on in our world today. There is so much going on. I think one of the biggest is the Iran deal. Our government has made it possible for an open enemy of the United States of America and other free thinking countries, to have access to nuclear weapons, not just weapons now they will buy ICBM's from Russia. We know that an ICBM is not needed to strike Israel, Iran already has missiles that can reach that far. But, they need these missiles to reach Europe, Australia, America, any where in the world they want. Now, will they use them directly on us? I doubt it, they will funnel the missile to one of the other terrorist groups they support and they will use it. They can fire them from a ship, such as this one. A modified
 container ship could easily get into territorial waters of the U.S. and deploy a nuclear missile, our reaction time would be enough to stop it. Then if the ship is destroyed we may not be able to asses blame, it may take years to prove that Iran did it, in the mean time what do you do? If it is exploded in the atmosphere, we will have the emp effect, most of the power in the United States will be down, if not all.

If the power goes out then you can't pump gas, if you can't pump the gas then traffic comes to a stop.
If automobiles and trucks can't run because of no fuel, then no products can be shipped to stores.

You have to be prepared, the stores in general only have 72 hours worth of food. And if you think the government are going to bail you out, you are ignorant. They barely could help New Orleans after Katrina.

What do you think it will be like if half or the whole of the United States is without power? I will tell you, the president will call for martial law, if not directly he will let the governors do it.

One missile, an EMP and our whole world could changed, are you prepared to fight to feed and protect your family?

Or are you sheep, dependent on the government and willing to be held in interment camps in order to survive?

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